Isolated Transition
The transition between night and day is a curious thing. It is only the people that are awake who are conscious to the change. Whilst everyone else is asleep, I walk the streets, understanding that this time allows people’s mind-sets to alter as their bodies lay at rest and their cells refresh, unconscious to the world around. Perhaps it is the belief that tomorrow is fantasy and is not yet defined. When I first began this project, I did not know why it felt exhilarating and challenging to photograph on the streets between the transition of night and day, but it was a route I was too intrigued not to go down. My photographs and text present feelings of isolation, solitude and aggression. It’s often people feel isolated whilst going through transformations. They feel that everyone around them is unconscious to the changes, not that they do not care, but that they will not understand unless they experience the same.
Therefore, I chose to capture this moment between night and day, which contains solitude, in order to express the existence of transition. Pairing the photographs with text felt natural and essential, as I have been expressing my feelings from my own transitional period. In my text, I describe different actions and emotions and there appears to be two genders. Observing the contrast between night and day reminded me of the way in which we behave differently during both of these periods and also the behavioural changes society expects from male and female genders. I want to question how we perceive only two genders because it seems that it is not necessary to define what is male and what is female. Fragility does not belong to females and strength does not belong to males.
She gripped his neck and the shadows disappeared.
His gaze rained down and she crumbled to rubble.
He slammed the door and smacked his hand against the window.
She wore a crown as if it was always hers.
When only one was awake.
They grew apart but steady in the hope that one day they'd be together.
The rush of people crushed every thought that entered her head.
He stopped; steady but a cold feeling like a breeze froze his blood.
His fingers curled around her wrist and suddenly he let go.
With pride, she stood alone.